Samadhi Folk Healing
A Complete Approach to Body, Mind & Spirit Healing
Alternative Health Treatments
A Unique Approach
Bienvenido! Welcome!
Divine Spiritual Growth
We are so glad you’re here! Samadhi Folk Healing believes that working in the triple being, body, mind and spirit, gives us a better balance thru our human experience. We look forward to sharing with you the techniques we’ve learned that will vastly improve your quality of life. Browse below to learn more about our sessions, classes or workshops.

Click to view our upcoming Spiritual Retreat info.
About me!
I give with Love & with Love I receive 🙏🏽
My name is Camelia S. and my vision is to be of guidance and service in others spiritual, mental and emotional healing. My family and I are from Zapotiltic, Jalisco Mex. I came to the United States as a child. Yet our traditions and ways continued. I was born seeing, hearing and even smelling and tasting when a spirit was near. I would and do recive guidance thru my dreams.
Since I was a child we were always cured with home remedies, like tintures, teas, infused oils with herbs, and soft or deep tissue massages, that we call Sobadas. My mother would do all the remedies and my father would work on our body if it hurt, or when we suffered from “susto” (frighten).
As a child, it was normal to me to take away pain or heavy energy from our bodies with herbs, oils, or the typical egg cleanse. I learned by watching my parents, now as an adult I also have learned a few new techniques from my own personal spiritual journey. I have learned the importance of healing with in. It all starts from with in you. We are a triple being. We tend to neglect a part of ourselves, forgetting we are body, mind and spirit.
I always had a connection but became more conssistant in developing my spiritual self back in 2007. When thru a dream, I was guided to go and visit a lady I had never seen. In my dream I was told who would take me to her and that she would guide me in steps of my growth. It seemed silly but it happened just how I was told in my dreams. I was shown the power of spiritual water cleanses. Afters those cleansing rituals, everything started to change.
I first found my passion in learning about inner healing, when all I had was the "pain" that was within me and personal traumas. I now see that pain is darkness being transformed into love. Then in 2019, thanks to another dream. I studied alongside a shaman for 2 years and now I feel so blessed to be a healer a guide and of service for those that are brave enough to shed light to those painful and traumatized side of them .
It all starts with a desire and a thought, and expands into a never-ending path of self discovery and growth. We value each and every person who comes for a healing session, ceremony, classes or any event we host. We look forward to helping you achieve your spiritual growth, healing, releasing and to help you remember the divine with in you.

Intuitive 30min Consultation by donation
The healer is with in you 🙏🏽
I have a few different services, depending on your need. As a tradicional Mexican Folk Healer (Curandera). There is many ways for healing. In the consultation we will discuss or feel what type of session best suets your spiritual need.
We practice what is called traditional medicine, which is based on beliefs, plants, oils, infusions, masajes, cleanses, prayers, collective consciousness, oneness, experiences and practices that may or may not be explainable.
In some cases we appeal to the participation of divinities or spirits in the process. In this way the healing acquires a magical edge. Like tarot reading, pendulum, Palm reading and much more.
We recognize there is Medicine in everything and in everyone. In spirit, there is no imposibles. If we can imagine it, it can be.
Complete Energy Healing
I created a sacred space and mixture of practices. That help process emotional, spiritual and mental healing.
The session may include most or all of these energy work:
-Rhape (Ceremonial Tabaco)- Crainal Energy - Chakra balancing - Sound therapy - Sahumada (smudging)- Emotional release flower drops - oils, powders, herbs and more
I first start the session with a physical and astral body cleanse, by burning Pirul herb. From there I am guided thru Spirit, what flower drops & Rhape to use. Each person has a different need. I will then connect with there energy. Once I have been able to connect with their energy. I will check the energy centers (Chakras), I will organize them in harmony and will also use sound therapy to raise the frequency and vibration of each Chakra.
Throughout the session (healing ritual), I sometimes receive msgs, visions, of the clients trauma, pain, passed life"s, spiritual guides, and even passed loved ones will show and give me msgs. It all depends on the clients faith and open heart to receive. The client may also receive some or all of these things. It is hard to know what will happen. Many have expressed a feeling of floating, well being, peace and so much love after the session.
The client will continue to process for the following 2 days or a bit more. Dreams will be very clear for a couple of nights. Keeping a clean diet and consuming lots of liquids, surrounding with high frequency music helps maintain that feeling of well-being.
Complete Energy work $100

Intuitive Tarot Readings $45
Reading is of all 78 cards, you can ask 7 questions of any subject and you will also get a msg from the ferries. It’s a 30min session
Tarot is a great way to get in touch with unconscious thoughts, find tangible answers to questions you may have about yourself and your live, and is an amazing way to improve our intuition.
The most important thing to know about how tarot works is that you are always in control of your own destiny. Although the cards can be used as a predictive tool. I use tarot card sessions to connect with the higher self, and promote confidence. Future references are guided by your NOW actions, you are the only one that holds that on your hands with every decision made. I can only tell you, the possibilities according to your decisions…
Website is still under construction, but here is a quick preview of my services that I will be adding on with more details. Thank you for your support and your patience. Many blessings 🙏🏽

Contact Me
Are you looking for a more holistic approach to your health, emotional balance, spiritual growth, or simply want to feel restored and rebalanced? Get in touch to book a consultation. Feel free to text me, I will respond as soon as possible. Gracias!

Connie Elizondo
I had the Complete Energy Work done recently by Camelia. She clearly explained the process & provided insight on what I may feel through out each step. I enjoyed the sound bath as it helped me to deeply meditate. Afterwards she was kind in listening to me & provided words of wisdom. I feel more aware & lighter. I will definitely do the Complete Energy Work again.

Jasmin B.
There is nothing you couldn’t ask for with Camelia’s services. I got the complete energy work, tarot reading, full body tissue massage, feminine retreat, & family constellation ceremony through out the last year. One of the top #5 experiences in my life. She has been a pivotal role in my spiritual journey & had helped me beyond words. I haven’t felt this in touch with my feminine self since I was a pre teen. She’s helped me realize and remember who I am and where I’m from. She’s helped realign my back after stress was built up. She knows exactly what you need without saying anything! I will forever come back & refer all my friends! 💗

Ericka R.
Camelia, has been a huge part in my spiritual journey. Very talented, caring and loving. She and her gifts have so much to offer. She has helped my family and I out tremendously. I will continue to refer all my friends and family to her. Thanks Cami for being you!!! You have been a true Angel in our lives.